reversible process

英 [rɪˈvɜːsəbl ˈprəʊses] 美 [rɪˈvɜːrsəbl ˈprɑːses]

网络  可逆過程; 可逆过程; 热力学可逆过程; 可逆过程的概念; 不可逆过程



  1. So we have first, a reversible process.
  2. How many people vote for that this is a reversible process?
  3. So for the reversible process, the work done is the integral under the pressure volume state function, the function of state.
  4. If it's a reversible process then the equality holds, but if it's irreversible, which means it happens spontaneously, T then dS is greater than this.
  5. The reversible process is going to be colder because it has to expend more energy.
  6. So a reversible process leads to requiring certain quantities to be maximized.
  7. And obviously, since it was, since we threw up our hands, just with a simple reversible process like here, it's clear that we're going to throw up our hands a lot.
  8. The spontaneous emission is controlled by microcavity, it can be enhanced or restrained, even can become a reversible process.
  9. The experimental results indicate that the electrode process of VB 2 on the glass carbon electrode is a quasi reversible process with absorption and diffusion.
  10. Moreover, if we consider the tunneling process as a reversible process, the result in Hawking radiation via tunneling is consistent with the first and second law of black hole thermodynamics.
  11. This paper questioned the proposition "work done in a reversible process is maximum", which can be seen in many physical chemistry textbooks.
  12. In reversible process, there is the entranspy conservation, that is, no loss of capability of heat transport.
  13. Talking About the Reversible Process and the Equilibrium State
  14. This indicates the reversible process with adsorption.
  15. The charge distribution on Au nanoparticles 'surface can be changed with the different pH values of Au colloids, by which the reversible process of aggregation and redispersion can be achieved.
  16. That impossible to reduce any system to the absolute zero of temperature by any reversible process can be derived from the second law of thermodynamics, but for irreversible processes it can't be derived. Therefore, the unattainability of absolute zero is an independent law.
  17. The system belongs to the reversible process with adsorptive characteristics.
  18. Research on Excited State Properties and Reversible Process Behaviours by Quantitative Resonance Theory
  19. Moreover, the electrochemical and thermal properties of complex 3 are investigated, cyclic Voltammetry result shows that the complex 3 is a reversible process.
  20. Cycle current-voltage curves suggest that the electrochemical reaction is quasi reversible process, peak current increasing and the peak of the corresponding potential moving to in the direction of increase electrochemical polarization with the increase of number of scanning.
  21. Palmitoylation is the only one post-translational reversible process in lipid modification, which plays important roles in the dynamic subcellular localization, protein activity and stability, and complex assembly.
  22. This is the reversible process that controls the concentration of free radicals. It prevents the reaction of chain transfer and chain stop.
  23. This system is also regulated by a reversible process involving many deubiquitination enzymes.
  24. Liver fibrosis is the development of most chronic liver diseases, at the same time, is also common to the pathological process of cirrhosis, chronic liver injury is healing response for a reversible process.
  25. Inducing differentiation refers to a reversible process of the malignant cancer cells towards the normal by exogenous and endogenous differentiation reagents.
  26. Both of them carried out at the same time the former is reversible process.
  27. This system is called the subsystem of the administrative law enforcement that includes the punishment on the spot modules, the ordinary cases modules, the reversible process modules.
  28. Multi-pass rolling appeared in recent years, some researches worked on multi-stand continuous rolling, the others reversible rolling. The data transfer of reversible process is achieved through the secondary development.
  29. Structure deformation of granular medium is the permanent plastic deformation and nonreversible. Aggregate deformation is the deformation of particles and is a reversible process.



  1. any process in which a system can be made to pass through the same states in the reverse order when the process is reversed